Tinned Fruit Missives August 2019

After a brief hiatus last month (I accidentally went on holiday), I’m back with links. I don’t think I missed very much except for some mud-slinging about the worthiness of micro-frontends, which I am pretending I didn’t see and so never happened.

I Used The Web For A Day On A 50 MB Budget - Chris Ashton

Another excellent - if not exactly scientific - experiment by Chris Ashton. This should be suitable eye-opening if your product is intended for a global audience.

The cost of JavaScript in 2019 - Addy Osmani

And if you really want to get deep on performance optimisation, especially on mobile, Addy is back again to help out.

Internet Explorer 3, an adventure in cross-browser compatibility - Chen Hui Jing

In which I chuckle at a youngster rediscovering terrible hacks to get stuff working in a 1990’s web browser. Charming but (mostly) useless.

The Web Can’t Survive a Monoculture - Mike Pennisi

When a rewrite isn’t: rebuilding Slack on the desktop - Mark Christian and Johnny Rodgers

Bringing new CSS techniques to production - Ash Stevens

How Uber quietly redesigned its interface for the rest of the world - Katharine Schwab

Pocket Biases

The Future of Websites: Headless CMSs - Dan Fries

HTML can do that? - Ananya Neogi

The Real Dark Web - Charlie Owen

User Inyerface

State of CSS 2019

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Tinned Fruit Missives is a monthly newsletter about web product development and front-end practices published by Jim Newbery, an independent coach and consultant from Edinburgh in Scotland.

I help growing B2B SaaS companies create profitable and sustainable web products. Find out more.

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