Tinned Fruit Missives October 2019

This month, I’ve chosen three articles that quite neatly explain my attitude towards how front end tech should be managed in product development teams. In short: hire people for learning mindset, encourage product and user-centric thinking and empower your teams to succeed by keeping the technology choices simple. Sounds, er, simple, doesn’t it? 😬

Have a great month!

The Product-Minded Software Engineer - Gergely Orosz

This post highlights the characteristics and capabilities of a product-focused developer mindset that I’m trying to foster in my own work with developers and product engineering leaders. A successful career in product development depends on so much more than technical capabilities and experience.

21st Century Recruiting - Avishai Ish-Shalom

I don’t post much about hiring and recruitment here, but it’s a huge part of building an effective product team. Most product organisations seem to hire for specific technical skills, but Avishai argues instead that we should “hire people with the ability and motivation to learn and adapt, and then build an organization with the right culture to support them.”

Make it Boring (Video) - Jeremy Wagner

And once you’ve hired people with a learning mindset, how can product teams continue to succeed? Keep the tech choices simple so that serving users and customers can continue to be your primary focus. Jeremy Wagner explains how.

Intercom’s fundamentals of good interaction design - Gustavs Cirulis

Simplicity [II] - Bastian Allgeier

5G Will Definitely Make the Web Slower, Maybe - Scott Jehl

Delivering the “right” 80/20: North Star Culture - Rob Bayley

How Product Managers Lose Trust? - John Cutler

Keeping it simple with CSS that scales - Andy Bell

Wikipedia’s JavaScript initialisation on a budget - Timo Tijhof

The 10-Day Programming Language (Is Kind of a Myth) - Jay Hoffmann

Want to Improve UI Performance? Start by Understanding Your User - Darren Hebner

How I stopped worrying and learned to love the JavaScript ecosystem - Flavio Copes

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Tinned Fruit Missives is a monthly newsletter about web product development and front-end practices published by Jim Newbery, an independent coach and consultant from Edinburgh in Scotland.

I help growing B2B SaaS companies create profitable and sustainable web products. Find out more.

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